We guarantee competent trials management
Have you ever wondered about the origin of a certain company and, looking at their website and social networks, the feedback you get is only what they do and why they are good at it?
Obviously, every company must highlight its added value and their expertise in the market. But as we see it, it is also important that clients and users know what made they get there and their motivation when they started and now.
This is why we want to tell you a little more about T&T, what do we do and why do we guarantee our clients the maximum professionalism and efficiency in the trials execution.
Start of Tests & Trials

In Animal Production, as in many other fields, there is the need of testing new products, indications, techniques,… before they are provided on a larger scale. In 1998, Alberto Morillo had the idea of performing clinical and nutritional trials in pigs but with an extra: he wanted to execute them highest possible quality since, at the time, this combination had a huge room of improvement in most companies in the sector.
In what was something that many professionals knew, but did not explore and undertake, in Tests & Trials we knew how to make our way in a business field in which there was hardly any supply. Alberto did not start this project alone, and with the professionalism and multidisciplinary capacity of the entire team that we joined, we demonstrated to the principal pharmaceutical multinationals that we know what we do.
In less than 10 years, we had already worked on numerous projects, of different types and with various purposes: product registration, efficacy trials, comparative trials, authorizations to introduce drugs in other markets, patent products in other countries, expansion of their applications, etc. To date, we have led more than 100 projects and analyzed antibiotics, hormones, biological products (vaccines), enzymes, acidifiers, aromas, probiotics, and a long etcetera.
At the beginning, we covered three type of activities:
Implementation of quality assurance systems.
Pig production assistance.
Design, performance and data analysis of the animal trials in all phases.
However, T&T has evolved in such a way that we decided to focus on the latter and, in addition, develop a web application for processes control in the agri-food sector.
Since the start, our team has grown and worked hard to ensure, through trials, that all veterinary products on market guarantee food safety.
Our priority is that the products registered in the market are safe, effective and of quality, so it is our responsibility that the tests are carried out with the maximum accuracy and precision (this is when our slogan comes up).
It is essential to proceed as stablished in the trial protocol.
And… what happens when it occurs a deviation (an event not considered in the protocol)? This should not happen, but sometimes it does. For that, we must record EVERYTHING that happens in the facilities due to their impact on the posterior analysis and final report.
In order to achieve our objective, we evaluate all the possible effects that a certain treatment, additive or product has on the target animal of the study. Our team is well-trained and qualified and work hard to ensure that the results obtained are objective and the evidence is what will guide the client for the subsequent decision making.
There are fundamental activities:
Surveillance of possible symptoms (pharmacovigilance) in each animal.
Collection of samples to be analyzed in the laboratories. We collect all type of samples and as many as needed to get significant and enough data.
The data is recorded in an orderly, clearly and detailed way (reproductive performance in farrowing and weaning in pig tests, weights, annotations of adverse effects, …).
Safety evaluations (with methods adapted to each test).
Ongoing veterinary supervision.
Comprehensive control of all factors that may affect the study and the animals, and their general well-being.
Apply statistical models that are not only advanced, but also meaningful for each test and study characteristics. It is not worth doing meaningless analysis and presenting a report that does not offer solutions, you must know how to understand the data.
Have Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to act according to quality standards. Having a single standard document for each operation is vital for the test security and to ensure that all the personnel work following a unique manner.
What qualities make a team appropriated for conducting a test?
Of all those that we could mention, one of the most important is to be multidisciplinary and able to adapt to different situations. But there is something essential: to be a team. (Effective) communication is essential and being able to optimize resources is one of the focuses for companies today.
How are the facilities where we perform the trials?
For the execution of the tests, we have collaboration agreements with many production centers. In a very short period of time, we find the farms that have the specific conditions and pathologies stablished in the protocol.
Animal trials are obligatory for the registration of veterinary products and an ally in the marketing and commercialization activities.
On our website, we have photos taken by the team of veterinarians and farm assistants during the tests in the different facilities.
All of them have the optimum conditions and follow the regulations in force. They guarantee animal welfare, personnel health, and the security that the tests are performed as stablished.
Furthermore, the offices where our investigators work everyday has a strategic geographic ubication as it is close to all these facilities and in a middle point. Thus, we optimize resources and achieve a level of efficiency that would be very difficult to get without it.
Do you need our team to advise and guide you in all the phases prior to the commercialization of your product? We manage projects from start to finish, from the protocol design to the final report, but we can also provide services for some the phases.